Mom of Georgia Teen 'Disheartened' Over Daughter's Unsolved Murder Suggests She Was 'Targeted'

Authorities believe the case is lagging because people are refusing to talk.

Desaray Gilliard, killed in 2022 by an unknown assailant Adams Funeral Services

A mother in Georgia, disheartened over her daughter's unsolved murder for over two years, is now suggesting she was targeted.

15-year-old Desaray Gilliard was shot and killed in Yamacraw Village in 2022, and her killer remains on the loose. She was shot in the head, left arm, and shoulder, according to WTOC.

"Nobody told me anything. Nobody came to our apartment. Even if they didn't know me personally, she was just out there bleeding to death," the grieving mother said.

Gilliard stated that based on what she was told that day, a fight had allegedly taken place, and the guardians of the children that were involved were prepped not to say anything.

She believes says her daughter was targeted by other kids.

"I do feel that she was targeted because she was a bright girl," Gilliard told the news outlet.

"She would have been a senior this year. She was all set to go to Ohio State upon graduating from Groves next year. She also had a modeling contract on the table."

Gilliard is frustrated with the investigation and believes there's a lack of transparency in the status of the case.

"I take a lot of pride in my cases, and the fact that I haven't been able to give the family that closure, that justice, is incredibly disappointing," Savannah Police Detective Jacob Hildebrand told WTOC, adding that police believe the case is lagging because witnesses refuse to come forward.

"What I'll say is there have been people that have been helpful, and there have been people that have not been... Do I believe people in Yamacraw know what happened to Desaray Gilliard? The answer is 1,000% yes," added Hildebrand.

Georgia, Investigation
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