‘The Young and the Restless Spoilers: New Adam Newman to remain unrevealed for three months


Fans of "The Young and the Restless," one that longest running soap opera in the U.S., have been on the very brink of their couches anticipating for CBS to finally unveil the new cast to take the role of Michael Muhney as Adam Newman.

While everybody in Genoa City believes that Adam Newman has met his demise, clips of the character's hands have consistently been shown on the soap for more than one month now, shedding a light of hope to fans that they would be able to see the entire body of the character, particularly his face, any moment from now.

Avid followers may rake through the internet all they want to search for news regarding who the production will cast as the new Adam Newman, but it seems like their efforts may most likely be in vain. In the recent release of CBS Soaps in Depth, spoilers about "The Young and Restless" have been dished out saying that fans will still need to wait for a few months before the new Adam Newman reveals his face to the whole Genoa City.

Reports also suggest that the production team has yet to cast a replacement for Michael Muhney and have not even penned the scenes that will expose that Adam Newman is in fact alive. In an interview with Soaps in Depth, CBS executive Angelica McDaniel said that now that they have already finished writing for summer's episodes, they will be proceeding to fall story lines.

"The summer is almost all written, so basically we are in to the fall story lines now," said CBS Daytime head. "You're going to have to wait a little longer."

This statement have made some fans a bit disappointed as they have been waiting since January to discover the fate of the character of Adam Newman and who will replace him.

 Ratings of the show have also dropped and continuously go on a downward slope. Y&R's Jill Farren Phelps admitted in an interview that production heads and staff are currently relying on the revelation of Adam Newman's character in order to bring the soap back to life.

Considering the present condition of the shows viewership, will "The Young and Restless" still be able to recover? Share us your opinion by commenting below.

The Young and the Restless, Adam Newman, Michael Muhney, Genoa City
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