Son Accused of Killing His Vermont Family May Not See Judge For Another Month, Thanks to a Technicality

Brian Crossman Jr.
Years before he was accused in the grisly, triple slayings of his dad, stepmom and step brother, Brian Crossman Jr., allegedly vowed to kill his Vermont politician father. Facebook

The son behind the alleged triple murder of his family in Pawlet, Vermont, may not face a judge for another month thanks to a technicality.

Brian Crossman Jr., 22, was arrested in his home state of New York last week and remains in custody; however, due to a formal extradition process, a governor's warrant from both Vermont and New York is required.

"Both governors' offices do their own independent review of the materials before a formal extradition can take place," said Ian Sullivan, Rutland County State Attorney.

While Sullivan says Crossman can waive extradition to Vermont, that has not happened yet and could take weeks, according to WCAX.

Crossman was arrested on Friday for the murders of his father, local politician Brian Crossman Sr., 46; his stepmother, Erica Crossman, 41; and his stepbrother, Colin Taft, 13.

The 22-year-old is charged with three counts of aggravated murder, the most serious of charges in Vermont that carries a life sentence without parole.

His next scheduled court appearance is October 21 in New York.

New York, Arrested, Trial, Court, Judge, Extradition
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