NASA Venus Transit Can Be Directly Observed Once Heat-Resisting Chip Is Developed


The NASA Venus Transit can be observed from the planet itself once NASA develops a chip that can withstand temperatures on Venus. This is something NASA is hoping to incorporate in a rover to be sent to Venus.

Venus is known for frying up any electronic components that land on its surface. According to TheSpaceReporter, NASA is developing a computer chip made of silicon carbide. This silicon carbide computer chip was tested under an environment that simulates the temperature and condition on Venus. Surprisingly, the chip managed to remain unscathed after 22 days in extreme conditions.

If funding is approved, NASA will integrate these types of chips on rovers that can roam on Venus. Through this technology, the NASA Venus transit occurrence can be observed up-close.

Although an occurrence of a Venus transit is quite rare, advancements in technology helps NASA in understanding these better. In 1982, Soviet spacecraft Venera was launched on Venus' surface.

Unfortunately, the Venera only lasted about two hours before succumbing to high levels of heat and tremendous amounts of pressure. Aside from the NASA Venus transit and extremely hot temperatures, there's another trip that the aeronautics company is eyeing.

According to News, NASA is hoping to search for alien life in one of Jupiter's moons. Unlike the Venus expedition, this time around the environment is going to be a cold one.

Jupiter's moon Europa is surrounded by frozen layers of ice. NASA believes that, underneath that ice is a mass of watery ocean. NASA speculates that there is a probability of finding sea life on Europa.

Jupiter's icy moon might be a bit smaller than Earth's moon, but the diameter of its frozen body is big enough to sustain alien sea life beneath it. From hot environments to cold ones, NASA's space exploration efforts are so varied that it covers both sides of the galaxy spectrum.

NASA, Science
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