No Man's Sky to Launch New Trailer this Week? Team Puts Full Effort in VR Support


As No Man's Sky has given a massive light of hope to the fans with a release date due this year, gamers are expecting reasonable amounts of concrete facts from Hello Games. The week may prove to be another one to look forward to, as news may further be elaborated.

It was stated by The Bit Bag that No Man's Sky may be closing in on another series of news soon. More importantly, some rumors have spread that the title will release a new trailer within the week, supposedly on or after March 3rd. The contents of the said trailer are still in massive question.

According to Ecumenical News, a journalist named Benjamin Kratsch declared that he was present during a certain event in which fellow journalists are asked to keep a subtle knowledge of the possibilities that No Man's Sky may spill to the public. In general, he described that the game is fantastic to look at, even going to the extent of being mind-blowing.

The most dominant rumor heard so far is the application and full-pledged compatibility of the VR headset with the upcoming title. As many of today's first-person shooter titles are adapting the said technology to further enhance the experience, Hello Games may take all the time they need to have the full potential of the said hardware. As Yibada delivered, the entire team at Hello Games are putting so much effort in creating the game and delivering as promised.

No Man's Sky defined itself as one of the most diverse upcoming space exploration games to date. The promise that makes the game stand out among the rest is the massively multiple galaxies and planets that can be explored for almost eternity, according to the development team. The release date of the title stays on June of the year, and with so much laying on the line, Hello Games may just be standing on a gold mine with the forthcoming space exploration title.

No Man's Sky
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