Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet Gets Android 5.1.1 Lollipop Enhancements with New Software Update; Marshmallow Slated Next Quarter


Verizon has just rolled out the Android 5.0.2 Lollipop to Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet along with Android 5.1.1 Lollipop's enhancements. With this update, the device is slated to receive the official Android 6.0 Marshmallow update in the next quarter.

Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet units under Verizon Wireless have just been updated with Android 5.0.2 Lollipop. The update comes with improvements that Android 5.1.1 brought to other devices, including device performance optimization, security patches on bugs and a lot more. Android 5.0.2 Lollipop on Verizon's Xperia Z2 Tablet has software versions 23.4.B.0.319.

The update comes over the air (OTA) so update only comes via Wi-Fi or Verizon Wireless networks. When updating, make sure device is fully charged or is plugged into the outlet.

The update steps beyond ordinary smartphone and tablet can do by allowing access to apps and services Android has on different devices with screens, including TVs, cars and watches and other wearables. Lollipop also comes with a new material design that offers better runtime, 64-bit ABI support, and intricate animations and 3D views, among others.

Per changelog by Verizon, the update also made the redesigned Setup Wizard easier to use out of the box on top of new visual themes. The Floating Action Button paves quick access to common app functions.

With the new Quick Settings, it can be rolled down twice to access frequent features. Also, the volume controls now have three distinct modes-silent mode, priority mode (for selective interruptions), and select from sound (to turn all sounds on).

Meanwhile, Sony also made its user interface bolder and more user-friendly with awesomely integrated intelligent interactivity with elegant transitions. Sony also bring improvements in email, calendar, update center, Sony Select, music (formerly Walkman), album, video (formerly Movies), and lock screen.

In another note, despite Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet being announced already by the Japanese giant back in October 2015 to receive Android 6.0 by this quarter, it seemed not to push through with the release considering the 90-day cycle rule of software updates, which Sony normally exceeds.

However, Sony has not released any official statement yet.

Sony, Sony Xperia, Verizon, Android 6.0, Android 6.0 marshmallow
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