Overwatch Update: Will some characters prove to be imbalanced? Release date in Spring 2016


Blizzard Entertainment's up and coming first-person shooter, Overwatch, has caught the eyes of so many fans even those that have not been loyal patrons of the developers. As the move may be somewhat another risky decision for the company, some believe that it will be one chart-topper that will land the gamers on a whole new experience.

According to Red Bull, with such a diversity in characters, styles and more, the possibilities can be endless but some may think that this could be both an up and a down side.The uniqueness in the characters range from a rather mainstream Tracer, to a more peculiar Winston, all the way to oddities such as Junkrat, Zenyatta and a depiction of death, Reaper.

Given that a closed beta was held late last year, fans gave feedback that the game is considerably fast-paced, and each of the characters in it can perform an elimination almost in any way of their choosing.

As per MMO Site, Blizzard Entertainment keeps its touch of a multiplayer online battle arena but as the same goes for games of the said genre, there is the feeling that there are characters which will stand dominantly over the rest. One concern that some players see would be the engineering and possible overuse of solid defensive characters that act as tanks to each team.

In this case, characters known as Reinhardt and Roadhog were noticed to be quite a big threat. The abilities of other characters such as Lucio and Mei can be skill dependent whereas Hanzo and McCree might be considered an unknown tier. In general, fans are dreading that the heavy, shock-absorbing characters may be a bit overpowered.

Nevertheless, it will not be until the actual game that fans can judge the said capabilities of one and all. Noted by News Hub, Overwatch is expected to arrive sometime within Spring of this year. While Blizzard Entertainment still stays strong on their classic series and the latest titles like Diablo III, World of Warcraft Legion and Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch is already seen by many to be a true contender of being one of this year's most decorated first-person shooters.

Overwatch has a roster of characters that vary in back stories, styles and strengths and for the time being, fans are looking at how these may make the game as interesting and as distinct from today's games of the same kind. Stay tuned for more Overwatch before its anticipated release.

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