As her ex-husband serves time for Harmony Montgomery's murder, a Massachusetts mom embarks on a relentless new search to recover her daughter's missing body and find closure.
Harmony's father, Adam Montgomery, is in prison for her 2019 murder; however, the little girl's body has yet to be found.
On Monday, Harmony's mother, Crystal Sorey, announced renewed efforts to find the five-year-old's remains, which are believed to be somewhere in Chelsea, Massachusetts, according to WCVB.
Sorey told the news outlet that she will never give up looking for her daughter but admits that the searches take an emotional toll on her.
The father was sentenced to 45 years to life in prison for her murder, according to WGME.
A few volunteers showed up to Mary O'Malley Park in Chelsea to help with the search. The mother said it's not about the number because the effort is to bring her daughter home.
Sorey chose the park as it's within the radius prosecutors believe Adam Montgomery could have visited when he rented a U-Haul in March 2020—at the same time investigators claim he disposed of Harmony's body.
One volunteer who drove from Worcester revealed that the case has personally touched her because Harmony resembled her daughter at a young age.
"The anguish that that child has lived with and the pain is unbearable," said volunteer Tara Rondeau.
"I just think that the evil she suffered, and evil took her, but the devil doesn't get to win this round."