Arkansas Parents Tried to Sell Baby to Fellow Camper For Beer Because It 'Wasn't Working With 3 Dogs'

Pictured: Shalene Elhers, 20. Benton County Sheriff's Office

Two Arkansas parents are accused of trying to sell their 2-month-old baby in exchange for beer and $1,000 because it wasn't working with three dogs and a newborn.

Law enforcement officials from the Benton County Sheriff's Office were called to the Hide Away Campground in Rogers, Arkansas, after someone reported Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, had attempted to give up their baby for a six-pack of beer as well as $1,000.

The caller told the 911 dispatcher that the two-month-old was in need of medical attention.

Emergency Medical Services arrived at the scene and transported the infant to an area hospital.

The man who was offered the six-pack beer deal at the campground asked if he could "have the baby overnight."

The man was reportedly heavily intoxicated and told authorities he was concerned for the welfare of the child, according to WKYT.

Ehlers allegedly told the man as well as another that "it was not working having three dogs and a baby" and said she would surrender the baby for $1,000.

The second man created an agreement for the couple to sign and told them he would have a cashier's check in the amount of $1,000 ready for them on Monday.

The responding officer obtained the letter signed by the parents that read, "I, Darien Urban, and Shalene Ehlers, are signing our rights over to [redacted] of our baby boy [redacted] for $1,000 on 09/21/2024."

The letter was signed by Urban and Ehlers and included a "disclaimer" that read, "Disclaimer: After signing this, there will be no changing y'all two's minds and to never contact again," reported the news outlet.

When speaking to investigators, the couple said their baby was currently undergoing an adoption.

Video footage from a cellphone captured Urban and Elhers signing the letter.

The couple said they recorded the interaction because they planned to "legalize" the adoption on Monday.

Furthermore, witnesses told investigators that the baby had a "bad ammonia and fecal odor" and that while changing their diaper they observed a "heavy rash, blisters, and swelling on the baby's buttocks and genitals."

Urban and Elhers were arrested and given $50,000 bail.

Benton County Sheriff's Office records show Urban has since been released while Ehlers is still in custody.

Arkansas, Arrested
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