Ryan Murphy Likes The Dante's Inferno Theory For 'American Horror Story Season 7'


"American Horror Story Season 7" and its earlier seasons have adapted an anthology style of storytelling where each season of the show introduced a new story, with a different setting and new set of characters. Ryan Murhpy, the creator of the series said that despite the differences, each of seasons of American Horror Story.

Its no surprise fans of the show started formulating their theories that would connect "American Horror Story Season 7" in its prior seasons. The most popular of which proposes that each of the seasons of "American Horror Story" symbolize one of the circles of Hell which is described in Dante's Inferno.

According to the theory, "American Horror Story" is basically a modern retelling of Dante's Inferno but instead of having a theme on the seven deadly sins, "American Horror Story Season 7" will change the formula. According to redherry.com the shows subverts the themes of the poem by reimagining them to suit the modern times as well as addressing more than one at a time.

For instance, the first season of "American Horror Story" was all about lust, infidelity with murder and violence added in. Moreover, in the second season of "American Horror Story," abuse of power, criminal insanity and perversions were the themes.

What's more, every season of the "American Horror Story" takes place in a singular place. There is almost always a fence surrounding the setting that is similar to how the circles of hell works in Dante's Inferno.

Ryan Murphy has heard of the popular theory for "American Horror Story Season 7" and the earlier seasons. According to tvguide.com the creator liked the theory but added that he too has a theory for the show that he hasn't told anyone. He says that he will reveal the theory once the show is over.

Furthermore, reading fan theories on "American Horror Story Season 7" has its advantages according to Murphy. The creator says he learns a lot about his own theory by reading his fan's theories.

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