Destiny Update To Adjust Weapons, Modes, Subclasses; How to Watch Livestream Preview?


Destiny was first released with generally negative reviews two years ago. But it has so far made the game better through a series of updates and patches. The latest patch will reportedly launch this February and will feature series of changes to the game's modes and weapons.

The new update for Destiny is called HotFix and will be available on Feb. 14, according to Among the changes planned for the update will include rebalancing weapons, subclasses and special ammo in the Crucible which is Destiny's version of PVP.

The latest patch will be the latest update in four months with the last being 2.5.0 which came around the launch of the Rise of Iron expansion. Since then Destiny fans have been complaining of some imbalances on the meta of the PVP. Gamers have noticed that the PVP is now ruled by the same classes, guns and even style of play.

It's the reason why the HotFix will hope to provide counters to the current meta of Destiny's PVP. As of now, shoguns are quite popular on Destiny and while Bungie has said that they have no plans of adding a nerf on the weapon, it is likely that other weapons will get a buff to offer different alternatives.

Moreover, heavy shotgun usage has changed how Special Ammo works in Destiny's Crucible which as of now has plenty of supply. Primary weapons, Exotics and some subclasses are also expected to receive minor tweaks on the new update.

Bungie meanwhile will be staging a live stream event to preview the upcoming changes on Destiny's new update. The said event will go live next Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 10am pacific time on their Twitch channel according to

It sure is surprising for Bungie to support Destiny even with the upcoming sequel slated to release this year. But it sure is an effective way to keep the franchise relevant and hype the upcoming sequel at the same time.

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