Sony Xperia Z2 Gets Support from AOKP for Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow: How to Install


Sony Xperia Z2 phones just got support from the Android Open Source Project (AOKP) for Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update. The custom ROM offers both custom and original features of Marshmallow.

AOKP custom ROM is considerably fast, smooth and stable already despite it being in testing phase at the moment. Developers behind AOKP reminded Sony Xperia Z2 owners to install the unofficial build at their own risk since bugs are more likely to occur. Overall, AOKP can still be a good source of Marshmallow.

Before proceeding with the installation, here's a bunch of reminders and prerequisites to consider:

1. Never try the ROM on other versions or models not prescribed.

2. Download and install USB drivers for this version.

3. Enable USB debugging mode from developer menu.

4. Download and install a custom recovery tool on the phone like CWM or TWRP.

5. Back up necessary data.

To download and install AOKP ROM to Sony Xperia Z2, here's how:

1. Download the AOKP Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow ROM here.

2. Download the Google Apps here.

3. Connect Sony Xperia Z2 on PC using USB cable then copy downloaded files to phone.

4. Press hold simultaneously the volume +, home and power buttons to restart phone into Recovery model.

5. Perform Nandroid backup of the existing ROM. This will allow users to get back to the original software version once ROM is updated. To do this, go to Backup and Restore > Backup again. Once back is complete, go back to main recovery menu.

6. Choose "Wipe data/factory reset". Tap "Yes" to confirm action.

7. Once completed, go back to CWM recovery menu > Wipe Cache Partition > Wipe Dalvik Cache.

8. Tap Select Install zip from sdcard > Choose a zip from SD card. Find the downloaded AICP ROM and select it by pressing the power button. Tap "Yes" to confirm action. Installation shall begin.

9. Once completed, go back to third step to install the Google Apps.

10. Once completed, go back to the main recovery menu. Select "Reboot system".

Once completed, the tablet should now be in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. To check the software, go to Settings > About device.

Sony Xperia, Sony, Sony xperia z2, Sony xperia z2 marshmallow update, Sony xperia z2 android update, Sony xperia z2 software update, Android 6.0.1, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
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