HTC One M8 Android 6.0.1 crDroid Marshmallow Custom ROM: Installation Guide


Although some of HTC One M8 phones have already been updated to Android 6.0 Marshmallow, One M8 device owners can now upgrade to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow via crDroid custom ROM.

The crDroid is packed with a host of great features and tweaks that make HTC One M8 fast and smooth. As it is known, the ROM brings several customization options which makes it its forte.

Per features list shown by Team Android, crDroid will bring the following features and tweaks to HTC One M8:

  • Clear recents location
  • OC 268 to 2794mhz
  • SlimDim
  • Omniswitch
  • Navbar dimensions
  • Faux sound control
  • Power menu in navring targets
  • Toast animations
  • Superuser indicator (Notification, Statusbar icon or no indicator)
  • Date and time customizations
  • Force expanded notifications on expanded statusbar
  • Custom header image
  • Power menu and notifications tiles
  • QS transparency
  • Four tiles per row
  • crDroid logo in statusbar
  • Vibrate on tiles touch
  • Non-intrusive incoming call
  • Disable quick settings on secure lockscreen
  • Battery saver enhancements
  • Kill app back button configurable timeout
  • RAM bar in recents panel
  • Ambient display with a bunch of options
  • Network traffic meter
  • SELinux switch
  • Voltage control

Before installing crDroid on the phone, it is important to be guided by the following reminders and prerequisites:

1. Make sure bootloader is unlocked.

2. Make sure ADB and Fastboot is enabled on PC.

3. Do not use the ROM to other devices.

4. Install TWRP Recovery on the phone here.

5. Back up all necessary data here, including apps, SMS messages, contacts, call history, APN settings and more. Samsung KIES can also be used for backup.

6. Connect the device to any PC using a USB driver. Download a driver here.

7. Installing any custom ROM induces risk of damaging device. Neither this site nor developers of the crDroid will be held responsible for such damage.

To begin with the installation of crDroid on HTC One M8, here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Download Android 6.0.1 crDroid ROM here for HTC One M8 on PC.

2. Download Google Apps Package here.

3. Connect phone to PC using the USB cable.

4. Copy then paste downloaded ROM files to phone's memory or SD card.

5. Copy then paste the boot.img file to android-sdk-windowsplatform-tools directory.

6. Switch off phone and plug it out from the PC.

7. Go to Bootloader/Fastboot mode by press holding volume up and power buttons.

8. Go to android-sdk-windowsplatform-tools directory (on PC) and open Command Prompt (Shift + Right-click > Open Command Prompt).

9. Type: fastboot flash boot boot.img.

10. Then type: fastboot reboot

11. Follow on screen instructions then choose bootloader and go to recovery.

12. Choose 'Wipe' to delete of data then 'Swipe to Factory Reset'.

13. Go to main menu and choose 'Install'. Choose the copied ZIP file on the phone.

14. Choose 'Swipe to Confirm Flash'.

15. Wait for the installation to complete. Then repeat the process beginning #2 for Google Apps.

16. When phone gets into any boot loops or other troubles, tap 'Wipe cache/dalvik' button.

17. Choose 'Reboot System'.

To verify the update, go to Settings > About phone.

HTC, HTC One, Htc one m8, Htc one m8 marshmallow update, Htc one m8 android update, Htc one m8 software update, Android 6.0.1, Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow
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