Destiny 2 Confirmed by Bungie; Game Expected to Arrive Within 2017


Bungie's supposed Destiny 2 has been rumored to come for so long, and finally, the team has come to its senses of releasing the said expansion. The wait may be quite an extensive one, however, as far as reality is concerned, gamers can expect something big from Bungie themselves.

According to Bidness Etc, fans of the Destiny franchise have voiced out how they would want a continuity to the existing Destiny game with proper corrections and additions. The rants and requests seem to have gone to Bungie, as it was recently announced that the plan will come into quite fruition soon enough.

As per MNR Daily, the idea of Destiny 2 is confirmed to come within 2017, Bungie confirmed last February 11th, 2016 as part of a company earnings call. Secretly, however, Destiny 2 may not be given the simple name as the second expansion as it was rumored on being called The Shattered Sun. Apart from such, rumors came out that the title was moved to next year to make way for expansions on Destiny.

Noted by Ecumenical News, Destiny was noted on having a massive update in which fans are speculating on the said feat as The Dark Below 2.0. Some say as well that the update could be identical to The Taken King and more interestingly, Bungie could opt to porting the expansion to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 only, as it sets aside the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Destiny 2 could be the saving grace that many Destiny fans are waiting for, considering that over the past, gamers believe that the titles have not done much great and have fallen short of the expectations. With no specific release date yet, Destiny 2 and Bungie are yet to reveal more about itself and is hope of continuing to do so soon enough.

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