Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin files lawsuit against Planned Parenthood over abortion services


Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has officially filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky Inc. on Thursday for providing abortion services at an unlicensed facility in Louisville.

Daily Kos reported that Bevin and Planned Parenthood have been feuding since the facility in Louisville started providing abortion services. Despite Planned Parenthood stopping the said services in order to resolve the issue and leaving Kentucky with only one abortion provider statewide, the lawsuit was still submitted by Bevin.

In a report by WBKO, the lawsuit stated that Planned Parenthood's Louisville facility performed 23 abortions from December 3, 2015 to January 28, 2016, citing that they were unlawful.

In a press release given by Bevin, he said that his job is to ensure that laws are followed regardless of his personal opinion since he is a pro-life individual. He added that his administration will have "no tolerance for the type of brazen disregard" that the health facility has shown for the safety of women and the laws. He also pointed out that he and his administration will hold Planned Parenthood responsible for endangering their patients by "providing illegal abortions at a facility that was not properly licensed nor prepared to handle an emergency."

He is now asking Planned Parenthood to be fined $684,000 for the alleged violations.

However, Planned Parenthood said that it was operating the Louisville facility under instructions of the state Cabinet for Health and Family services; hence, the offering of abortions since December, Courier Journal reported. It also said it fully complied with the instructions given by the aforementioned authority. Planned Parenthood opened the new clinic and began to offer abortions as it was reportedly part of the state's standard licensure procedure.

The application for the new clinic of Planned Parenthood was filed last year under the predecessor of Bevin, former Governor Steve Beshear. The accused pointed out that it was directed to provide all the health services in order for the new clinic to be inspected before an issuance of the license will be finalized.

Planned Parenthood has been on hot water since allegations have surfaced saying it sold tissues of the aborted fetuses for income.

Kentucky, Planned Parenthood, Abortion, Lawsuit
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