Activision Blizzard Shows Off World of Warcraft Legion Dungeon Run on Twitch


Activision Blizzard recently showed off on Twitch a dungeon run for Alpha of their new World of Warcraft expansion called 'Legion'. Legion is the sixth expansion of the most popular MMORPG in North America and it will follow the footsteps of controversial expansion Warlords of Draenor.

According to Battle Net two teams of WoW streamers composed of top players and YouTubers ran two dungeons of the Legion Alpha. The dungeons were Maw of Souls and Halls of Valor. The official Warcraft Twitch channel has a recording of the February 11 exhibition Dungeon Race between Europe and North America. Europe is composed of Fat Boss TV's Treckie, Bellular, Qelric, Loz, and Alex. While Towelliee, Killars, Monkioh, Tattva, and Tov of Line of Sight Gaming composed North America.

Towelliee of North America showcased the new Vengeance Demon Hunter. The Dungeon run is under the World of Warcraft Legion Alpha to help showcase the game itself and the skills of participants. Kotaku reported that Maw of Souls is included in the Alpha build of Legion. The dungeon is based on Norse mythology with appropriate rocky shores and shipwrecks. Basically, players are transported in hell riding the ghost pirate ship called Naglfar.

The streamers who raced through it during the live Twitch session showed the bosses and the tactics that can be used against them. The stream ended with the defeat of the tentacled female final boss. The team from Europe emerged as the victor with a time of 17:22:06. According to Tech Times, the final boss battle was cool and definitely something players don't see everyday in most MMORPG's. The boss battle was drawn out but looks very fun and intense.

The World of Warcraft Legion expansion is expected to come out on or before September 21st, 2016 and will cost $49.99. The expansion will include pre-purchase bonuses from level boosts to early access for new classes.

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