Mass Effect: Andromeda Director Chris Wynn Now Executive Producer of H1Z1; BioWare Title Still in Good Hands


Mass Effect: Andromeda is still on its way to making the trip to the market. Due to some issues behind the development of the game, the title is still underway despite the conditions. The team of BioWare gives a solid assurance, however, that there is no reason to panic with regards to the well-being of the fourth installment.

According to International Business Times, it was recently confirmed that Mass Effect: Andromeda's Director Chris Wynn came to a drastic decision of exiting the company for a career decision that has now been disclosed. As Wynn noted that he will settle somewhere else, a new company welcomes his professional services and he is rather proud of declaring so.

Delivered by Design and Trend, Chris Wynn tweeted via social media that upon moving to San Diego, he claimed that he is now the executive producer of the zombie survival game H1Z1, over at Daybreak Games. Moreover, he pushed the statement that he is indeed, happy to be on the creative side of the game and that he is ecstatic over the possibilities that the future will hold. In relation to such, he claims that there will be more news to look out for as time goes by.

Mass Effect: Andromeda, as it has been left behind by the said director, has not wandered off from the path that it is taking, as per Christian Today. This has also been justified by Chris Wynn himself, as he elaborated that the entire team at BioWare are taking the time they need to make the game as polished as possible for the awaiting fans. Simply put, gamers can stay at peace in knowing that Mass Effect: Andromeda has not been left unattended.

The fourth installment Mass Effect: Andromeda is still slated for release within 2016. Stay posted for more updates on the latest expansion under the long-running Mass Effect series.

Mass Effect: Andromeda, Mass Effect: Andromeda news, Mass Effect: Andromeda updates
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