Colorado Shooter James Holmes: Apartment Disarmed and Residents Return


AURORA, Colo.- After almost a week, the neighbors of Aurora movie theater shooter James Egan Holmes, were allowed to return to their homes after being evacuated from the area due to Holmes' dangerously booby trapped apartment.

The apartment of the 24-year-old was booby trapped with heavy explosives and wire trips, the police immediately evacuated the area and spent the past few days with a bomb squad and fire department trying to dismantle the place.

Holmes, set his apartment with booby traps, before he opened fire at an Aurora movie house during a mid-night screening of the highly awaited The Dark Knight Rises killing 12 people and wounding 70. Evidence discovered in the apartment tell police that the massacre was planned months in advance.

According to Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates, "He had a high volume of deliveries," Oates said. "We think this explains how he got his hands on the magazine, ammunition...What we're seeing here is evidence of some calculation and deliberation," as reported by The Daily News.

Bombs and various other explosives were set up in his Denver apartment, upon doscovery police warned that the environment is dangerous and will take them  days to clear out.

Holmes made his first appearance in court on Monday. Holmes will likely be charged with first-degree murder and possibly aggravated assault and weapon violations. He will be formally charged later this week. Eighteenth Judicial District Attorney Carol Chambers told News Day that she is considering pursuing the death penalty, but only after consulting with the victims and their families.

Holmes showed up to court looking rather absent minded with bright orange hair. He did not speak and Colorado police Chief Daniel Oates told the media that he was not cooperating with authorities. Oates also stated that the suspect's parents were also "not talking to us (the police) right now...Maybe that will change, but right now they are not talking to us," according to Good Morning America on ABC.

On Wednesday, police discovered that Holmes sent the university psychiatrist a journal detailing his plans of the shooting.

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