Police Uncover Murder Plot After "Kill My Wife" Text Goes To The Wrong Recipient

By Ghada Ibrahim | Feb 15, 2017 03:30 AM EST

In Washington, a 42-year-old father allegedly attempted to text a hitman requesting the murder of both his daughter and wife. However, in a twist of luck he wrongfully sent the text to his former boss instead who promptly notified the police.

According to People, Jeff Lytle was arrested last week for first-degree murder on two counts of criminal solicitation. He currently is in police custody on $1 million bail. Court records show that he has not yet entered a plea to the charges that he faces.

The arrest affidavit stated that on 7 Feb. after receiving the disturbing text, Lytle's former boss immediately notified the Snowhomish County Sheriff's Office. The text message was addressed to a "Shayne" and indicated that $1.5 million insurance payout was to be split between Lytle and him.

Lytle anticipated the insurance payout would emerge in the wake of the deaths of his 4-year-old daughter and wife. The affidavit states that the text read "You remember you said that you would help me kill my wife ... I'm going to take you up on that offer.".

The message also contained information regarding Lytle's wife's insurance policy stating that it is "worth 1 million and if you want a bonus you can kill. Her life insurance is 500K." Disturbingly enough, the texts also urge "Shayne" to make the murder "look like a robbery gone wrong or make it an accident."

Contained in the text was also the accused's wife's work location and work schedule as well as his own. The text is alleged to conclude by "I'll split everything with the insurance 50/50." Initially Lytle denied that the messages were sent from his phone but then recounted and stated that it was his manner of "venting" his anger at his wife.

Fox News reported that Lytle told police he did not know anyone by the name "Shayne". He also stated that the text in question was drafted months ago after an argument with his wife. Seems like a pretty detailed text for a simple vent. Lytle also blamed his 4-year old daughter saying he usually deletes suc cathartic messages and that she might have sent the message after stumbling upon it in his "Drafts".

The criminal complaint states that Lytle's wife testified that they had been married for 7 years. No mentioned was made in regards to marital distress.

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