White House Reiterates President Trump’s Claim On Illegal Voters

By Menahem Zen | Jan 25, 2017 05:10 PM EST

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer repeated claim from the U.S. President Donald Trump on million of illegal voters during the presidential campaign. He said the President has known the fact about millions of illegal aliens voted for Clinton during the campaign to give her win on the popularity contest.

Spicer confirmed that President Trump believed there are around three to five millions of illegal immigrants voted illegally in the 2016 elections as reported by NBC News. The illegal voters have helped Clinton in the popularity votes which did not represent the actual voters.

“I think he has stated his concerns about voter fraud," Spicer said, "and people voting illegally during the campaign.”

Press Secretary Spicer also said that studies and evidence have shown that President Trump allegation is correct. In his second press briefing as reported by New York Daily News, he replied to the question regarding the presidential report submitted to congress about illegal voters.

Despite the illegal voters, Spicer said that President Trump won the election because of the actual voters. Trump had won a big victory in 306 electoral votes, the most which Republican candidates had won since Ronald Reagan.

The allegations were made based on Barrack Obama’s insinuation in many interviews during his term to encourage illegal immigrants to vote. Although he did not make a straight suggestion, but implicitly his comment allowed them to do so.

In early November, Fox Business Network aired an interview between Gina Rodriguez from Mitu with Obama. In the interview, Rodriguez asked Obama about millennials and illegal aliens who were afraid to vote because the immigration would deport their family members who are illegal aliens. Obama responded the question by saying that the immigration would not know because the voter's identity is confidential.

The interview sparked outrage among many people, mostly the Republicans. They accused Obama in encouraging undocumented immigrants to vote illegally. President Trump may take his allegations based on the interview aired on Nov. 7, 2016.

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