Relatives of terrorism victims sue Twitter, accusing it of aiding IS

By Carlos Gutierrez | Jan 11, 2017 05:57 AM EST

The family members of three Americans killed in attacks by Islamic State, also known as IS, have taken Twitter to court. They believe that Twitter has a great responsability because the company has helped the IS spread its ideology of hate.

The relatives accuse the social media giant of aiding the terrorist group by turning a blind eye to its tweets. The lawsuit is titled Cain v. Twitter, Inc., and it has been brought forward by Anne Cameron Cain.

Alex Pinczowski, the husband of Anne, and his sister Sascha were killed in the 2016 Brussels Airport bombing. Another victim was Beatriz Gonzalez, the mother of Nohemi Gonzalez who was killed in the November 2015 attack, which took place in Paris.

Twitter has been used by the terrorists to spread hate

The claimants state that Twitter bears responsibility for their loved one's deaths by allowing IS terrorists to spread their ideology and recruit new members. The families are seeking compensation, the amount will be determined in court.

The lawsuit details several ways in which IS terrorists have used Twitter to spread hate, such as the threat that took place in October 2014, when Islamic State shared a message to kill civilians in France and other nations. Another case took place three days before the November 2015 attacks, when IS posted images of guns, the Eiffel Tower and prayers for what they called their mission.

Islamic State repeated this pattern with the Brussels attack in 2016.

Other social media giants face similar problems

Twitter, Facebook and Google face a similar lawsuit from the relatives of victims killed in the June 2016 massacre in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Social networks have been spreading hate and have become a great tool for terrorists, thus, they will have to face the legal consequences.

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