Trump's delegates in Illinois concerned about their presidential bet's standing

By Staff Writer | Mar 30, 2016 07:46 AM EDT

The Illinois delegates who were elected to represent Donald Trump voiced out their concerns. The group said  there is a lack of leadership on their team.

The Illinois delegates had a hard time figuring out how to help Trump win the Republican National Convention, which will be held in July. Doug Ibendahl, a pro-Trump activist, said there is no core team in Illinois. He added that there is no leader as well that guides the supporters as per The Guardian.

The disappearance of Trump's former state chair Kent Gray from the campaign operation has also became an issue within his supporters. Also, the #nevertrump movement gave Trump's supporters fear as this could steal delegates from their roster to secure the GOP nomination for Trump. According to Mediate, Trump will most likely lose delegates in the Illinois republican because some of his supporters are unwilling to vote for delegates with foreign sounding names.

The tactics of Illinois State GOP Pat Brady won a delegate slot due to its anti-Muslim tirades against Trump's voters. It is an effort to create diversity over Trump's delegates who have Muslim-sounding names. All of these personalities performed weak at the Illinois primary complex election as many voters are avoiding Muslim-sounding names on their ballots. Brady is also widely known as a Kasich supporter.

As reported by Washington Times, it is a real election for somebody who knows how to fix the country and the economy according to Mr. Kasich during an interview. He added that he is staying in the race all the way to the convention.

Bill Graff who is a replacement of Gray took the responsibility of taking the leadership for the Trump national campaign. Die-hard Trump supporters are also ready to take a role in the campaign,  promising to move to another country if their bet will not win the election. During the state's primary election last March 15, Trump got 39% of the votes and won 53 out of the 69 delegates in the convention. Trump's team is aiming to get the 1,237 delegates to have an ample lead on the first ballot.

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