Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Closed Beta Confirmed; New Trailer Highlights Faith's Story

By Staff Writer | Feb 22, 2016 10:16 AM EST

As Mirror's Edge Catalyst has been an intriguing talk to many for quite some time, and now that the title has officially received a release date to hold on to, the beta is the next step for the fans. That being said, the development team sees the opportunity to be seized while the newest game trailer is still hot.

According to Coming Soon, it was recently announced that Mirror's Edge Catalyst has a closed beta to be made available to the public. It will officially be accessible through all the gaming platforms, namely with Origin for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. In terms of hype, EA and DICE became generous recently as a trailer went viral online.

Noted by The Verge, that latest trailer for Mirror's Edge Catalyst highlighted some of the most admirable feats that the supposed second installment will bring. EA and DICE delivered through the trailer that the game will focus on the protagonist faith's backstory, with an immense focus on the action-packed side of things.

Delivered by Wired, Mirror's Edge Catalyst promises that gamers will be seeing more of the lead character's darker past as the story rolls on. In the trailer, the emotions ran high among Faith and some other parkour-oriented individuals with their high-caliber missions, infiltrating and living be a certain code of balance.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst aims to ring the interest of the fans in terms of circling around the vicinities of the City of Glass with ease, dictating the pace that gamers wish to go by. The second title by EA and DICE claims that it will not be a follow up to the first but will instead be an origin story of Faith and her adventures with a group known as the Runners. Stay posted for more updates on Mirror's Edge Catalyst, slated for release on May 24th, 2016.

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