Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain New 'Cloaked in Silence' Expansion Price, Features Revealed

By Staff Writer | Feb 10, 2016 12:37 PM EST

As Konami's Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has proven to be a success after it was released late last year, a new batch of updates are expected to get to the title soon enough. The multiplayer mode Metal Gear Online was already great on its own but Konami has more to offer for the everloyal fans.

According to Video Gamer, the growing triumph of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain validates it for updates to keep the momentum going. It was a recent announcement that there will be additional features in the form of an expansion, both for free and those that can be purchased at a reasonable price.

Noted by Game Spot, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's latest expansion is entitled Cloaked in Silence, in which three new maps have been confirmed. Konami was first to have enumerated the said maps: Coral Complex, Rust Palace and Azure Mountain.

Coral Complex is somewhat a Motherbase stage wherein gamers have access to towers and massive storage containers for concealment, whereas Rust Palace is set within Afghanistan as a multi-level facility and Azure Mountain simply being an outdoor plain set somewhere in Africa.

The main focus of the expansion would be the privilege of using Metal Gear Sold V: The Phantom Pain's own femme fatale, Quiet. The particular character proved herself of being a trusted ally to gamers, but is now playable for use in more covert missions with her temporary cloaking ability and heightened jumping. Her speed also acts beneficial as it was seen on many occasions during the original game's missions, as per Christian Post.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain's Cloaked in Silence is rated at $4. An Appeal Action feature which lets players be expressive with their own special pose is also part of the expansion adding a little bit of signature to their games. The content is expected to arrive within March but is still without a fixed release date.

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