Erectiled Dysfunction Cure: Libido-Increasing Hormone Found on Hershey’s Kisses Chocolate


There is an increasing number of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, and the key hormone that could help them can be found on a chocolate treat - Hershey's Kisses. The libido-increasing kisspeptin hormone can make men get active on bed.

Professor Peter Lim, a senior consultant urologist at the Andrology, Urology and Continence Centre at Gleaneagles Hospital, Singapore, says that there is an increasing number of erectile dysfunction patients of ages 20-30 - a surprising tally if compared to the records a decade ago, Today reported.

However, many erectile dysfunction patients doesn't want to be revealed, avoiding any libido-increasing drug or seeing a doctor because of embarrassment, which means that the actual cases aren't disclosed. A new solution for a man's nightmare can be found on a dessert treat - chocolates. With the findings, kisspeptin hormone was named after the Hershey's Kisses.

The kisspeptin can boost the libido of men, similar to the sexual spurs by the time a boy enters puberty, according to Askmen.  It was discovered during the mid-1990s in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Aside from encouraging sexual intercourse, kisspeptin can also significantly increase the production of testosterone which is helpful to cure erectile dysfunction.

Researchers then formulated another approach to make use of kisspeptin. They inject the hormones directly into the bloodstream. The brain scans done on erectile dysfunction patients after the shot proves that there is an increased activity on the brain which deals with sexual desires and romance. Even if compared to those given mere placebo shots, those who received a kick of kisspeptin shows significant development.

Thus, the research concludes that kisspeptin can be considered the "mental Viagra." Since kisspeptin stimulates emotions and sexual responses, it could add flare in the bed, which could lead to longer sex and reproduction. The new findings could be the next big thing for those who suffer erectile dysfunction - and they can start off by munching some chocolates.


erectile dysfunction, erectile dysfunction cure, erectile dysfunction treatment, ed treatment, libido, hersheys chocolate, hersheys kisses, kisspeptin
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