Congress Mull Impeachment of Donald Trump


The public insists that the Congress should impeach President Donald Trump, following his violations of the U.S. Constitution. It has been observed that, upon swearing the Oath of Office, President Donald Trump violated the foreign-emoluments clause of the Constitution which is listed in Article I of Section 9.

It's clause number 8 particularly states that, "... no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State." The clause is a product of the Framers' obsession of preserving the United States from the sort of corruption that dominated 17th and 18th century foreign politics and governments, which included back-scratching, gift-giving, foreign interference in other countries and transactions that gave the appearance of impropriety.

Trump's violation of the clause revolves around the fact that he is a businessman that runs the Trump Organization, with apparent financial interests and governmental entanglements all over the world. Norman Eisen, Richard Painter and Laurence Tribe who agrees to the idea of impeachment, stated at the Brookings Institution, "Never in American history has a President who presented more conflict of interest issues and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump."

With his continued interest in the Trump Organization, legal scholars believe that Trump will continue to receive monetary and other benefits from foreign governments and their agents while serving as the President. Trump's decision to continue the business of the Trump Organization, while maintaining his substantial ownership of the organization, is woefully inadequate in addressing the emoluments clause. On the other hand, the businesses dealings are often covered with complicated corporate technicalities and lack of transparency.

According to the Time, more than 575,000 people from across the country have joined a new campaign, launched immediately following President Trump's taking of the Oath of Office. They insist that the Congress must conduct an impeachment investigation of President Trump to address the corruption.

President Donald Trump, United States, Campaign, Constitution
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