Why Should I Use a Business Broker?

By Staff Reporter | May 26, 2021 11:51 AM EDT

These days a lot of people are selling their businesses. The Coronavirus has provided an economic opportunity to some and caused economic ruin for others. If you are considering selling your business because you need to get money in a hurry, you might be thinking of handling everything yourself.

Unfortunately, selling a business is very complicated and requires advanced know-how in terms of taxes and sales laws. Although it may seem like an extra expense, hiring a business broker can help you to get the best price for your business in the shortest amount of time. There are a few reasons you should use a business broker. 

It is Less Time-Consuming

If you have a job in addition to your business, or if you have other companies to run, it would be a foolish idea to spend all of your time trying to sell one business. It is not uncommon for a person to try to sell their business and fail. 

A business broker can give you an idea of how valuable your company is. They can do the necessary research to determine if your business is worth selling at this particular time. They will have many resources to determine the best price you can get, and they will already have contacts who may be interested in buying your company.

There are some potential buyers who are really just looking and trying to figure out approximately how much the type of business they want to buy will cost. They will call and ask you questions in spite of having no real intention of buying. If you let a business broker answer these kinds of calls, you will save yourself an enormous amount of time and aggravation.


Most people would prefer to keep the sale of their business private. When someone is considering buying a business, they do not necessarily want everyone who is selling a business to know about it. A business broker will protect your privacy. When a potential buyer deals with a business broker, they will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to even find out the name of your business or where it's located.

A Trained Financial Representative

You will have a better chance of selling your business if you have the assistance of someone who is trained in finance. When attempting to show a potential buyer how much your company is worth, it is not always a good idea to rely on simple tax returns and a basic ledger.

There are business brokers in NJ that will be able to qualify the true value of your business. They will be able to show potential buyers the profitability of your company. A broker can normalize your financial statements. Normalization adjustments simply remove expenses that appear in a business's financial statements that should not appear in the future or that are not directly related to the business. It can give a potential buyer a better idea of the actual value of your company.

Selling your business is a major decision and should never be entered into lightly. It only makes sense to have a trained professional by your side who has the tools, the connections, and the time to get you the very best deal possible.

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