6 Long-Term Physical and Mental Effects of an Auto Accident

By Staff Reporter | Nov 09, 2020 09:01 PM EST

An auto accident can be traumatizing. It comes with aftermath effects that no one is never prepared to deal with. Ask most people what they think are the effects of auto accidents, and many will list physical injuries as the most common. However, people forget the long-term mental and emotional effects that car accidents have on the victims.

Car accidents can take a toll on the victims and their families. Amid physical and mental distress, victims are faced with astronomical medical bills, especially where they are not adequately insured. To that effect, it would be best if you get maximum compensation following an accident to reduce your financial burden.

After being involved in an accident, ignore the first instinct that tells you to take matters into your hands. Even though their intent is well-meaning, ignore advice from your family and friends. To be on the safe side, engage the services of an experienced auto accident attorney.

Not sure where to start? You could engage a seasoned professional like Schwartz Law Firm, a long-standing practice of auto accident attorneys in the New Orleans area. You will get competent advice on how to handle yourself following an accident. Attorneys offer victims a sound legal strategy that results in fair accident compensation.

Physical effects of auto accidents

Physical injuries range from mild to severe. While physical injuries heal in the long-run, your body is never the same state as it was prior to the accident.

Let's look at some of the physical injuries resulting from a car accident.


During an accident, your body could be thrown around, resulting in multiple fractures. Again, a sudden change in direction could easily lead to a fracture in the legs, arms, and ribs. Less-severe fractures can heal within a few days or weeks. However, severe fractures can lead to long-term disability.


Whiplash is the most common auto accident injury. Whiplash occurs when your head is thrown back and forth unexpectedly after an immediate stop. This sudden movement can injure nerves, soft tissues, ligaments, and bones in your neck, head, or spine.

In most cases, whiplash isn't noticed immediately after an accident. The aftermath of pain is felt after several hours or even days.


Victims of auto accidents are likely to suffer from cuts resulting from broken glass and flying debris. Depending on the severity, some cuts can be infected if not treated well. In rare cases, the infection can progress to sepsis, which is life-threatening. Cuts leave scars that always remind you of the unfortunate event.

Other long-term physical injuries are:

●     Loss of limbs

●     Back and spinal injuries

●     Internal organ damage

Mental effects of car accidents

After a car accident, you are likely to be focused on pain resulting from physical injuries. However, some pain is not immediate but has long-standing effects. Many victims pay less attention to emotional effects, which can be devastating.

Below are some mental effects of auto accidents that are often ignored.


Car accident victims suffer from mental distress, inhibiting their ability to cope with daily life. Victims experience uneasiness and nervousness that could last for an extended period.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

After an accident, it's normal to experience uneasiness, trouble sleeping, and general worry. However, if these symptoms last longer, it could be a sign of PTSD. Other symptoms include terrifying nightmares, intense irritability, and flashbacks that you can't control.


It's not unusual to slide into depression after a car accident. Individuals are overwhelmed with sadness and lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. These symptoms could go on for several weeks. It would be best you seek medical attention before matters get out of hand.

Other emotional effects after a vehicle accident include:

●     Fear

●     Shock

●     Low energy drive

●     Mood swings

●     Loss of appetite and sleep

Emotional effects after an auto accident should be given as much attention as physical injuries. They cause far-reaching effects that affect the quality of life of the victims.

Preventing auto accidents

Having seen the detrimental effects of auto accidents, it would help if accidents were avoided altogether. Even though car accidents can't be prevented 100% of the time, observing the below steps can produce remarkable results.

Driver errors are the leading causes of auto accidents. Increase your attention on the road by avoiding:

●     Distracted driving

●     Drunk driving

●     Over speeding

●     Aggressive driving

●     Drowsy driving

●     Violation of traffic rules

While auto accidents can be caused by unpreventable factors such as car defects and weather conditions, most can be avoided mainly by being conscious of our actions on the road.

Before you go

Vehicular accidents are undesirable. In the wake of a car accident, victims are left wounded mentally, physically, and financially. Therefore, it's paramount to engage an experienced car accident attorney to ensure you receive the maximum compensation that takes into account the resulting expenses and suffering.

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