Modern Law Firm Smarts: How To Grow Your Client Base With Digital Marketing

By Staff Reporter | Jun 04, 2020 10:28 AM EDT

Roughly 88% of consumers who go online and find business information end up patronizing those establishments within the same day, according to the State of Marketing Report. If you are a law firm, one of the things your team must do is to embrace smart tactics to keep your firm safe. Once you're secured, it's time to take a look at how you can effectively grow your client base using the many strategies of digital marketing that are known to garner attention. 

Create A Well-Designed Website

A whopping 88% of consumers will be less inclined to return to a badly designed site or one that gives them a bad experience, according to SWEOR. What this means for your law firm is that if your official website is poorly designed, you are hurting your chances of gaining new clients through the web. As such, you must look into what are the qualities of a well-designed website. A good example of this is a user-friendly interface that has clear visuals to represent the firm. Another good quality is having an easy-to-understand site map so that potential clients are led to areas they need like your contact information.

Leave Space For Reviews

Online reviews impact the purchasing decision of 93% of consumers, according to Qualtrics. What this means for your firm is that consumers need to see good reviews about your services. You can accomplish this by publishing positive client reviews on your company website or social media accounts. Naturally, you should only do so with the full permission of your clients. Often, personal reviews count for so much more since happy clients use relatable words to share their circumstances.

Employ SEO-Tailored Articles 

Having fresh and search engine optimized articles on your website can help draw in new clients and grow your law firm's reach. Not all of those that browse the web are looking for actual legal help-sometimes they may simply be looking for helpful information. If your law firm can provide that information on your website, you'll be able to generate consumer trust for your brand. Consumers are more likely to recommend your website to a friend if they are able to glean useful information from it. 

Growing your client base can be challenging, but digital marketing can make the task simpler as you go forward. What is important is that you take time to educate yourself on the latest digital marketing strategies so that you can adjust your site and marketing approaches in the near future. With technology firmly resolved to empower consumers through convenience, you and your law firm would be remiss to not take advantage of this fact. 

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