How to Improve Respiratory Health in Work Environments

By Staff Reporter | Mar 19, 2020 02:09 PM EDT

A joint statement by the American Thoracic and European Respiratory Society revealed that respiratory dangers in the workplace are likely to cause  one in ten people to fall sick with different non-cancerous lung disorders.

The report further shows that inhaling fumes, gas, vapor, and dust in the workplace is the cause of various lung disorders. These include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, mesothelioma, asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and noninfectious lung diseases. Under the  legal rights of employees in the workplace, every employer should provide a safe and healthy work environment. Failure to enhance safety in workspaces can lead to hefty penalties. Therefore, make an effort to improve health and safety in your workspace.

Maintaining A Healthy Environment

Ventilation systems in office buildings play a vital role in preventing the transmission of pollutants and airborne contaminants. For this reason, it is essential to replace your air filters at least every six to twelve months if your HVAC is in constant use. Regardless of how busy you are, changing air filters is a straightforward process. You only need to create a maintenance schedule and find a reliable HVAC technician. Then consider  buying air filters via a subscription service and have them delivered at your office.

When purchasing filters, make sure to review the size and type to ensure you make informed decisions. Besides  enhancing indoor air quality, clean filters reduce energy consumption. When filters are clean, they allow smooth airflow, so the ventilation system doesn't run longer.

Understand Legal Requirements

Employers are required to comply with the law by assessing health hazards caused by daily work activities. Also, determine the measures you can take to control or prevent risks and ensure workers adhere to safety standards. For instance, if your job exposes workers to inhale dust, fumes, and gas, make sure to provide respiratory protective equipment. Keep in mind that when  choosing respiratory protective equipment, you need to factor in the level of breathing hazard, comfort, weight, and material. Apart from buying protective gear, avoid the use of asbestos and other hazardous materials. 

Both employees and workers are required to report symptoms of respiratory diseases immediately when they detect them at the workspace. This way, the affected individual can receive the required treatment on time and prevent the disorder from spreading. Reporting occupational lung disorders is also vital, as it helps to determine the cause of the disease and implement strict measures to remedy it. 

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