5 Tips for When You First Meet Your Divorce Attorney

By Staff Reporter | Mar 12, 2020 02:57 PM EDT

Whether you have been married for many years, or a short space of time, going through a divorce can be an overwhelming experience. If you're about to file for divorce, your first port of call should be to work with an experienced divorce attorney.

Finding the right divorce attorney in Minneapolis can be difficult if you haven't done your research beforehand. Once you have found an attorney that you feel is right for your case, here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your first meeting.

Write Down Questions

To give you the confidence that you've picked the right divorce attorney for your case, it's important that you write down any questions that you may have. When going for your first appointment, it's likely that you will forget what to ask if it's not laid down on paper. To avoid this happening, make sure that you note down any question that springs to mind (regardless of whether you think it's relevant or not). That way, you can be assured that you've covered all bases. M. Sue Wilson specializes in marriage dissolution (otherwise known as divorce), and can give you more information, such as the effects of divorce on retirement planning.

Prepare Financial Documents

Understandably, one the biggest challenges you will face when going through a divorce is sorting out your finances. For your divorce attorney to act in your best interests, they will need to learn what the process is going to look like from the start of divorce proceedings. Make sure that you gather as much financial information and documentation as you can before you head to your first meeting. 

Gather Tax Returns

In order for your divorce attorney to understand your overall financial situation better, gathering your tax returns should be your next step before heading to your first appointment. Known as one of the central issues during a divorce process, the tax return information you provide will be incredibly useful, especially when added to the rest of the financial documentation you have provided. 

List Relevant Information

If there are any key details about your marriage and divorce that you feel are worth sharing, make sure that you write them down. From the first meeting you have with your divorce attorney, they will guide you through the questions that you need answering. However, upon moving forward, you may forget a key piece of information that could have been extremely helpful for your attorney. One way to avoid this is by ensuring you compile as much information as you can in writing, which can be passed over to your attorney.

Be Open and Honest

If you are going through a difficult divorce, it's likely that there will be details of your marriage and divorce that you would rather not share. However, it's essential that you're open and honest with your attorney. Being truthful can help take the weight off your shoulders and reduce stress levels, which will help ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

No matter who you decide to pick for your divorce attorney, it's important that you pick a team that has your best interests at heart. Understandably, you will be going through a mixture of emotions throughout the proceedings, so when going to your first meeting, be sure to use all the advice listed above.

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