How Contract Management Software Can Help Reduce the Load for Your Legal Department?

By Staff Reporter | Feb 05, 2020 04:23 PM EST

Your legal department deals with a heavy weight of responsibility every day. With the right tools, you can lighten your department's load and make it easier for your team to handle the other responsibilities on its plate. Do you have effective contract management software for your business? Consider these key ways your contract management software can help reduce the load for your legal team.

1. Your contract management software can help avoid potential problems in your contracts.

With effective contract management software, you can create contract templates that will allow your sales team to easily and effectively put together contracts that reflect the standards your legal department insists on. With your templates, you can prevent the sales team from inadvertently putting together a contract that doesn't meet your legal team's requirements, which means that you can prevent many headaches before they occur. 

Those contract templates can also use highly specific language that helps close any loopholes or prevent misunderstandings between you and your clients. Often, this can help prevent legal issues for your company down the road. Limiting liability is a crucial part of your contract management process - and contract management software like ContraxAware's comprehensive contract management software can make it much easier to meet those obligations. 

2. Your contract management software can flag potential problems.

When you have an effective contract management system, it can flag potential problems with contracts as they move through the approval process. As changes are made to the contract - both by you and by your client - it could create potential challenges. Contract management software can flag those problems automatically. It can help ensure that your contracts remain both legal and ethical. You don't have to worry about problems slipping past you in last-minute redlining sessions.

3. Your contract management software can help identify important tasks.

Was the final contract version approved by you or another corporate lawyer on the team before it was sent for signature? Have you considered any compliance issues that may show up with a particular contract? The task management feature in your contract management software can help identify and track important tasks that need to be completed at every step of the contract process - including your implementation of the contract. 

4. Contract management software can simplify the auditing process.

Regular auditing can help give you a better idea of how well your business is adhering to its contracts. It can also provide vital insights into the overall strengths and risks of those contracts. With effective contract management software, you'll have better oversight and simpler auditing. All the information your legal team needs readily available, accessible, and date-stamped for better transparency. 

5. Enterprise contract management software can help close potential security holes.

Keeping your contracts and your client information secure can help prevent potential security challenges down the road. When your company suffers a data breach, the legal team must kick into overdrive. You need to stop everything to communicate with affected clients, provide as much protection as possible to your clients, and prepare for the backlash. 

With effective contract management software, you get several important layers of security. This includes protected storage. Also, you can control permissions that prevent employees who have no reason to access specific data or processes from being able to get to them. 

6. Your contract management software can eliminate missed obligations.

Your legal team must ensure that you meet all the obligations you committed to in your contracts. Doing this by hand can be a costly and time-consuming process. But the right software can automate the process and send alerts to the right contacts if something goes wrong. Free your team up for more creative tasks instead of checking other people's work. 

Your legal team has many responsibilities on its plate. So look for comprehensive, smart software that can help handle administrative tasks, compliance checks, task management, and more. ContraxAware's software is built for companies that want a strong, streamlined foundation for their contract management. Implement enterprise contract management software so you can ease some of your team's responsibilities and create better, more compliance. This, in turn, can reduce legal costs to your company in the future.

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