Silly Shrimp Expirement On Treadmill Make For Funny Videos But Has Beneficial Purposes

By Dan Joseph | Feb 21, 2017 11:14 AM EST

When it comes to shrimp, people usually think of shrimp cocktail or sautéed garlic shrimps and the various ways to cook and eat the seafood. A shrimp running on a treadmill wouldn't cross anyone's mind much more for a scientific research.

A video showing a shrimp running on a treadmill posted College of Charleston became a viral video on YouTube with the video set to the music of "Eye of the Tiger." The video didn't create the impression it was indented. But it was hard to argue that the video was easy to make fun off hence the viral video.

But that didn't stop critics from arguing the shrimp on a treadmill research was a waste of money. It was reported that the researchers spent about $3 million for the experiment. Then again, the critics didn't know better as the experiment was done with helpful purposes to the extent that even they could benefit from.

David Scholnick, a marine biologist has studied shrimps among other creatures. About 10 years ago, the biologist was studying shrimp farms have been plagued by large amounts of bacteria that is severely affecting the health of the shrimps. He hypothesizes that the bacteria was making it hard for the shrimps to breath much like a person who is sick with a cold.

The marine biologist also believes that the bacteria is making the shrimps tire more easily. It was proven when the normally active shrimps are now often sitting motionless in their tanks. Thus in order to prove his hypothesis, the biologist devised an experiment to would let the shrimps run on a treadmill to test their stamina.

For those questioning how the the research budget was allocated for, Science News for Students reports that Scholnick saved as much money as he can. The entire treadmill was built from spare parts from the laboratory. The only money the biologist spent was $47 for the plastic panels used to build the tank that would hold the treadmill.

In that summer when the treadmill was built, the team had a budget of $35,000 which most of the money going to the salary of the team members. The members had a pay of $4 per hour which is certainly not that high.

So the next time people make fun of these experiments they should rethink their thoughts as they are usually for the better good. As for the shrimp on a treadmill, the purpose was to help the shrimps fight the bacteria from shrimp farms. People need to realize that the success of the experiment would mean more delicious shrimp cocktails for everyone.

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