Pokemon Go Features Detailed by Niantic Following Leaked Gameplay Footage; Field Test Now Live in Japan

By Staff Reporter | Mar 29, 2016 11:55 AM EDT

Game developer Niantic has revealed additional exciting details on the new features of upcoming Pokemon Go following the recent leak of the gameplay footage online.    

Design & Trend reports that while it was reported earlier that the free-to-play mobile ap game will get people to go out in the real world to catch Pokemon, that isn't precisely the case, however. 

As explained by Niantic, gamers' phone will vibrate when a Pokemon is nearby so as to get a chance to catch them. By using touch-based controls on the phone, players can throw a Poke Ball at the Pokemon.

These Poke Balls including some special items will be made available at PokeStops around the real world like public art galleries, historical landmarks and popular locations. Similar to handheld Pokemon games, Trainer Level will increase as gamers make progress. As the Trainer Level goes higher, players will be able to catch more and more powerful Pokemons.

Some of the concrete details on the Pokemon Go features are listed below courtesy of Niantic: 

  • Some Pokemon can be evolved if the same species is caught on multiple occasions.
  • Pokemon Eggs, which can be found at PokeStops, will hatch after players walk a certain distance.
  • Players will be able to impress their friends by unlocking achievement medals that are earned by completing a variety of challenges.
  • During gameplay, Pokemon Go players will be encouraged to join one of three teams and engage in Gym battles with other teams.
  • Once they have joined a team, players will have the ability to assign their Pokemon to empty Gyms.  Like PokeStops, Gyms can be found at real locations in the world, and because only one Pokémon  per player can be placed at a given Gym, team members will need to work together to build a strong  defense. A Gym claimed by one team can be challenged by the other two teams.

A field test for Pokemon Go is now taking place and live in Japan but fans located in other regions are yet to receive an announcement whether they'll experience the same event prior to the game's official release within the year. The developer also released screenshots for the game as found below: 

Developed by Niantic and published by Nintendo, Pokémon GO is an upcoming augmented-reality mobile game app to be launched on iOS and Android devices sometime this year together with the smart wearable device, Pokémon Go Plus. 

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