Dark Knight Massacre: Disarming Colorado Killer’s Apartment

By Staff Reporter | Jul 21, 2012 10:55 PM EDT

AURORA, Colo.- As police continue to disarm the apartment of 24-year-old James Egan Holmes, who set his apartment with booby traps before he opened fire at an Aurora movie house during a mid-night screening of the highly awaited The Dark Knight Rises killing 12 people and wounding 70, police discover that the massacre was planned months in advance.

According to Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates, "He had a high volume of deliveries," Oates said. "We think this explains how he got his hands on the magazine, ammunition...What we're seeing here is evidence of some calculation and deliberation," as reported by The Daily News.

According to reports, bombs and various other explosives were set up in his Denver apartment, and police say that the environment is dangerous and might take days to clear out. All residents have been evacuated.

As Colorado, along with the rest of the nation mourn the death of the 12 victims, the others injured, Holmes is being held in solitary confinement in a county detention facility.

The 12 victims have been identified: Jessica N. Ghawi, 24
Veronica Moser-Sullivan, 6
John T. Larimer, 27
Alexander J. Boik, 18
Jesse E. Childress, 29
Jonathan T. Blunk, 26
Rebecca Ann Wingo, 32
Alex M. Sullivan, 27
Gordon W. Cowdon, 52
Micayla C. Medek, 23
Alexander C. Teves, 24
Matthew R. McQuinn, 27 (E!Online)

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