Supreme Court nominee

Clinton criticizes Grassley's refusal to hear Garland nomination; warns about possible Trump nomination to Supreme Court

In a speech on Monday, presidential candidate Hilary Clinton expressed her views on the Supreme Cour...

Mar 29, 2016 02:47 AM EDT

US President Barack Obama Hopes 'Cooler Heads' Prevail In Choosing Supreme Court Nominee

The United States President Barack Obama expressed his hopes of 'cooler heads' prevailing in the cho...

Mar 11, 2016 03:15 AM EST

Obama meeting with Republicans on US Supreme Court vacancy failed, dispute continues

On Tuesday, Republican Senate made no comments after meeting with President Obama to discuss the vac...

Mar 02, 2016 02:42 AM EST

Obama’s senior adviser Brian Deese to head the team for White House’s Supreme Court process

President Barack Obama has tapped Brian Deese to head the White House's Supreme Court process. The W...

Mar 01, 2016 04:39 AM EST

Republicans and Democrats prepare for battle over Scalia's successor in the Supreme Court

The Republican and Democrat political parties hunker down for a long-drawn out war as President Bara...

Feb 16, 2016 07:31 AM EST

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