‘Teen Mom 2’ Latest News & Update: Kailyn Lowry refuses to film for new season, believes producers betray her


This wouldn't be the first time that the producers were embroiled in such issues with the stars of the show.

Lowry's co-star, Jenelle Evans was previously reported to seemingly quit the show and refuse to film as she did not approve of the way producers capitalize on all her drama. In addition, Amber Portwood of "Teen Mom OG" also threatened to quit the series and announced her departure on Instagram due to unfair treatment and disrespect.

Seemingly, the producers have faced again with the issue of a star possibly leaving the show after putting Lowry on the spot with her divorce as told by Inquisitr. On the most recently aired episode, Lowry ignored Marroquin's phone call because she did not want to discuss their divorce in front of the camera. 

But later on the show, the producers then hit up a friend of Marroquin named Darius to call him so they could get more details regarding his divorce with Lowry. An insider close to Lowry revealed, "She is very hurt and feels betrayed by her producers, her and Javi at that point already knew they were done and getting a divorce, but did not want to film it."

Furthermore, Lowry is also reportedly upset with how the producers false edited the scenes to make it more dramatic. In particular, there was a scene wherein she didn't want to talk to Javi and although it happened from a previous episode it was cut and shown in the recent episodes to make it look like it happened closer to the split.

Lowry took to Twitter to express her displeasure with the producers and although nothing has been officially set, whether she continues to do the show or not, what is most clear is that she is not getting back with Marroquin anytime soon. As of today, MTV did not offer a comment regarding the subject matter.

Teen Mom 2, Kailyn Lowry, Javi Marroquin, celebrity divorce, reality show
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