Bloomberg vs. Lapierre: 2 Opposing Sides Duke It Out Ahead of April's Senate Vote on Gun Control (Video)


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and National Rifle Association CEO Wayne Lapierre have opposing claims on guns, and each is taking to the airwaves. Lapierre challenged Bloomberg's plan to spend $12 million on ads meant to pressure senators into backing new gun control measures, saying the mayor "can't buy America," as both appeared on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press program.

Bloomberg's pro-gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is currently launching a campaign in states geared for senators who may still be undecided about fire arms proposals making its way to a Senate vote in April. Bloomberg insisted he is fully intent to spend that loft sum in at least 10 states, hoping that the gun lobby (NRA) is "not the only voice in this debate." It would be a "great tragedy," he argued if the momentum for gun control legislation were to wither months after the Newtown mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

"I think we are going to win this," he added.

LaPierre bristled at Bloomberg's comments, saying,"he can't spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the American public,.. He can't buy America."

"Millions of people" from across the country are sending the NRA "$5, $10, $15, $20 checks, saying stand up to this guy," Lapierre said, referring to Bloomberg.

Lapierre also added the NRA supports a bill to get the records of those adjudicated mentally incompetent and dangerous into the background check system for gun dealers. Shortly after the Newtown shooting, Lapierre called for armed security guards in schools as well.

Bloomberg insists the NRA is completely out of step with mainstream American society, believing more needs to be done to curb gun violence.

The Senate is scheduled to debate federal gun control legislation next month 

Last week, Governor John Hickenlooper signed landmark new gun laws in Colorado, expanding background checks on gun purchases and limiting the size of ammunition magazines.

NRA, Wayne Lapierre, Mayor Bloomberg, U.S. Politics, Gun Control
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